[SOC244H5] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (52 pages long)

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Document Summary

Sociology of the family is a branch of sociology studying the construction and role of families, as well as the relations both within the domestic sphere and outward into the work sphere: better definition. Sociology of the family is the study of the family unit from a sociological viewpoint. The examination is dominated by social class, gender and ethnicity analysis. Further sociology of the family views the effect of social change on the family. Among all the changes going on today, none are more important than those happening in our personal lives in sexuality, relationships, marriage and the family: gibbens, a. (1999). Runaway world: how globalization is reshaping our lives. Legal practitioner (marriage and family law on marriage, divorce, inheritance and property, immigration law) It is worth nothing that the word family originally meant a band of slaves. Even after the word came to apply to people affiliated by blood and marriage, for many centuries the notion of family.