SOC239H5 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Social Network, Talcott Parsons, Sick Role

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In suicide, durkheim challenges us to understand how the patterning of one of the most psychological, intimate, and, on the surface, individual acts rests not upon psychological foundations but upon the patterning of social facts. "" In suicide, he shows how social facts"" can be used to explain changing patterns of aggregate tendency toward suicide. He believed that the separation of infants from their mothers was unhealthy and saw loss and separation as key issues for psychotherapy. Attachment theory contends that the attached figure, most often but not necessarily the mother, creates a secure base from which an infant or toddler can explore and venture forth. Bowlby argued with many psychoanalysts that attachment is a primary motivational system"" These intimate bonds, created in childhood, form a secure base for solid attachment in adulthood and provide prototypes for later social relations. In adulthood, bowlby saw marriage as the adult equivalent of attachment between infant and mother during childhood.