SOC219H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Canadian Studies, Resocialization, Victimology

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28 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Social inequalities increase global levels of poverty and income distribution. Some argue that globalization has increased social inequality gap western countries can benefit from this gap: global south depends on developed nations for trade, financial assistance, political stability (peacekeeping missions), and protections (economic and military) Global sex trade is one of the most important effects of social inequalities between nations. Some argue that human trafficking is a modern form of slavery: violated article 4 of the universal declaration of human rights and article 8 of the international covenant on civil and political rights. Prohibit slavery, forced labour, servitude, and the slave trade. Women and children are bought and sold into the sex trade, trafficked to commercial farms, into marriage agencies, and act as drug and weapon mules. Interested in women travelling to the caribbean: a form of exploitation although it is not seen as it. Sexuality is constructed as a service provided by those in developing countries to western countries.