SOC209H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Visible Minority, Color Blindness, Shoplifting

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4 Jul 2013

Document Summary

Federal parliament and provincial legislatures enact and amend laws, establish annual budgets for criminal justice agencies. Constitution act, 1867: spells out the federal and provincial division of responsibilities. Federal government (parliament in ottawa): decides which behaviours constitute criminal offences: it also sets the procedures for prosecuting persons charged with criminal offences and establishes the punishments for all federal offences. Criminal code (1982): identifies behaviours considered crimes and procedures. Federal legislation that targets specific types of criminal behaviour and offenders: anti terrorism act(2001, sex offender registration act (2004, mandate: provides strategic policy advice and a range of programs and services relating to public security and safety. Provincial/territorial offences: common offences include underage drinking and speeding. 3 provincial police services: ontario provincial police, surete du quebec, royal newfoundland constabulary, municipal governments enact city bylaws. Canadian adversarial criminal justice system: presumption of innocence, the crown bears the burden of proof, doli incapax (too young for evil, insanity, attempts are crimes.