[SOC209H5] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (23 pages long!)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Soc209 s1 l3: thinking critically about law and crime. Thinking critically: the de nition of crime is problematic, reductionist: reducing a phenomena to one criteria. It"s the just desserts model (it"s what you deserve; an eye for an eye. What you do you get in return): the punishment has to t the crime and has to be proportional. Therefore, we must have a form of payback. Deterrence: deterrence is an idea based on rationality. It has three components to it: 1) certainty: most important, 2) severity: doesn"t matter, 3) celerity: speed at which you are punished, severity does not matter. If we kill someone who is a murderer, it will not change the rates of crime. However, if we obtain more surveillance cameras, that will be more e ective: the reward or punishment has to follow the task. Imprisonment will allow for the removal of problem elements from society.