SOC208H5 Midterm: SOC208 Midterm Notes

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28 May 2016

Document Summary

White collar crime: non-violent crime, just a few people (ex. embezzlement) Organizational deviance: a formally deviant behaviour, now considered deviant (ex. work safety) Organized crime: group crime (ex. money laundering, mafia) Organizations: social structures created by individuals to support the collaborative pursuit of specified goals (ex. government) Dominant characteristics of modern society: discovery, socialization, resocialization, production/distribution, provision of services, protection, preservation of culture, communication, recreation. Capacities of organizations: durable (endurance, stability, longevity, reliable (formalization, rules, routines, accountable (guidelines, justifications, records) Organizations and social ills: power (bureaucracy, exploitation, crime, rationalization (standardization, predictable, managed, alienation (damages psyches, stunts development) Formal organization: codification of roles and relations, human resources in hiring, job design, organization structure. Informal organization: outside of the organizational chart, cultures, norms, values, social networks, relationships. Rational system: organizations are collectives oriented to the pursuit of relatively specific goals and exhibiting relatively highly formalized social structures: characteristics: