PSY320H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Toothpaste, Social Desirability Bias, Normative Social Influence

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19 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Everyone has same prejudice knowledge but doesn"t necessarily mean you think it is true everyone just knows the stereotypes which may or may not be used in the decision making process based on conscious/unconscious thought. It is based on an process that produces attitudes: attitude is a sort of: Like or disliking predict behavior: good or bad evaluative, positive or negative, pleasant or unpleasant, approach or avoidance behavior, what does an attitude do, attitudes predict behavior stimulus causes behavior, this is historical 1800"s idea. If there is high bad and low good negative attitude. July 20, 2020: critical for survival we wouldn"t know what to approach or what to avoid if we didn"t have attitudes about things, ex. Don"t know if fire is good or bad, we will put hand in and burn: attitudes may influence our own behavior or others.