PSY312H5- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 40 pages long!)

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Infants learn about they"re environment through repetitions: later move to (cid:498)thinking before acting(cid:499) pattern-creative and deliberate, action-based sensorimotor patterns, the actions are repeated, there are basic patterns (ex. Cut your hair ect: it is learned over time, piaget theory proposed this you is how you as a child develop. Slide 2: adaption, building schemas through direct interaction with the environment, assimilation, using current schemas to interpret external world, ex. Child learns what a dog is and then sees a cow then calls it a big dog: accommodation, adjusting old schemas and creating new ones to better fit environment, we still accommodate schemas to fit our life today. Slide 3: this is how you use assimilation and accommodation, equilibrium and disequilibrium, uses assimilation during equilibrium, disequilibrium prompts accommodation, ex. Dog, furry ect: by using piaget"s ideas, same thing as neural network (in physiology)