PSY290H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Postcentral Gyrus, Posterior Parietal Cortex, Primary Motor Cortex

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Receptors: each sensory system has receptors that are specialized to detect specific energies. Stimulus: event that affects sensory organ: receptors let us detect these energies by having specialized body parts, multiple forms: light, sound waves, temperature, pain, etc, receptors detect stimuli and convert them to electrical signals. Travels nervous system and goes to brain: adequate stimuli: type of stimulus for a sensory organ that is adapted for that particular stimuli. Sound waves for our ears and not our eyes. Eye is adapted to light energy: we can apply pressure on eye but it produces light sensation, we cannot see all forms of light. Similarly we cannot hear all sounds: ex: dog whistles, humans cannot detect sounds above 20000 hz. Doctrine of specific nerve energies: proposed by muller: receptors for different senses are independent, thought each sense used its own nerve energy, today we know all different senses use action potentials.