PSY270H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Auditory Cortex, Temporal Lobe, Golgi'S Method

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9 Aug 2015

Document Summary

Studying the mind: early work in cognitive psychology. 1800s: believed the mind couldn"t be studied, since the mind can"t study itself. Waited different #s of days after memorizing lists; then repeated procedure to see how many trials it took him to remember all syllables w/out errors. ] 100: found: savings greater for short intervals than long ones. 1879: wilhelm wundt: founded the 1st scientific psychology lab at the university of. William james: principles of psychology: william james: made introspections on operation of his own mind; covered wide range of cog topics like thinking, consciousness, attention, memory, perception, imagination, & reasoning in his book. Ivan pavolv: inspiration for watson"s experiment; on classical conditioning in dogs: pavlov paired food w/ sound of bell; caused dogs to salivate at sound of bell. Skinner"s operant conditioning: skinner: harvard graduate: introduced operant conditioning: focused on how behaviour is strengthened by presentation of (+) reinforcers like food/social approval, or opposite.