FSC239Y5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Forensic Pathology, Blunt Trauma, Positional Asphyxia

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Document Summary

What information is most important for you to pull out. Make your case and back it up specifics. Ensure that ou hand in a proofread document. That means not waiting to the last minute to complete you assignment. Knowing purpose ensures that you provide what is required. Purpose of this assignment is to develop your ability to understand, analyze and prioritize information. The purpose of this assignment is not o assess what you think. Use information to answer specific questions that have straightforward answer. Familiarize yourself with the due date now nov 11. Font, font size, line spacing, margins, page numbers. Take the time to properly cite in text and at the end (this goes for every assignment) Follow the guidelines attached to the end of the assignment. Provide examples when asked and make the connections to the point. Writing a lot of words doesn"t mean a lot of marks. A good answer can be lost amidst too much text.