[FSC239Y5] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 61 pages long Study Guide!

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Outdoors, indoors: all scenes are different. Require different specialized personal: classified in different ways. Could be just the size of a single room. Initially be a small area but later grow into a bigger area. Importance of a scene: established links: victims, suspect, objects, scene. If arson case, firefighters have to put out fire which destroys evidence: generate leads. Track down leads to find suspect or murder weapon: understanding evidence itself. It makes sense to find animal bones in the forest, but unnatural to find human bones. Where people were situated and what they were doing: corroborating witness statements, id suspects. Blood, saliva used to help generate leads. Formulate a plan: provide security, preserve scene and protect evidence, document changes to scene. Establish path of contamination: usually 2 paths. Separate path made specifically of those who process the scene: emergencies. Securing a scene: different guidelines for entrance between inner and outer perimeter.