ERS120H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Open-Pit Mining, Pyroxene, Lava

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Lecture 2: solar system formed from an explosion from infinitesimally small point, producing irregular distribution of hydrogen, helium and other light elements, creating a nebula. The nebula condenses into a swirling disc, with a central ball surrounded by rings. A ball at the center grows dense and hot enough for fusion to occur; thus, becoming the sun. Planets are first formed in the rings with dust particles colliding and sticking together forming planetesimals: they then grow into a proto planet with gravity reshaping it into a sphere. The interior differentiates: the moon formed from the ring of debris when another small planet collided with the earth, earth"s interior, crust, 7-70km thick, mantle, 2885km thick, outer core, 2255km thick d. Shear waves (s waves) move through the body of an object and cannot move through liquid because particles must move perpendicular to the direction the wave is moving.