ENV100Y5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nuclear Power, Sulfide, Dendrochronology

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1 Dec 2016
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ENV100Y5 Full Course Notes
ENV100Y5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Scientific method - obervations > questions > hypothesis > predictions > test > results. Hypothesis - a possible explanation for a particular observed phenomenon. Smart - specfic, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound. Millennium ecosystem assessment - rapid, extensive change in the past 50 years. Net gains for human development, but at a cost. Sustainability - meeting present needs without hindering future generations. Providing the best outcomes for the human and natural environments forever. 3-legged sustainability stool - economic, environmental, social. Atom - original element. i. e. hydrogen atom: h. Isotope - +/- of neutrons. i. e. hydrogen isotope: 2h. Ion - +/- of electrons. i. e. hydrogen ion: h+ Molecule - combination of two or more atoms. i. e. ozone: o3. Covalent bond - atoms in a molecule share electrons. Polar covalent bond - atoms are shared unequally. Ionic bonds - an electron is transferred: na + cl > na+ cl- Compound - combination of different elements. i. e. water: h2o.