CCT322H5 Final: EXAM NOTES the rest of wtgr

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Increase sales decrease costs: decrease cost of making the product, marketing, processing orders, sales inquiries from customers, lowers telecommunication costs price quotes: The key part that stuck to me was: providing prices online mean potential customers can do the research/comparisons online and only the ones who are really interested in buying will come to the store in person. That way the salespeople will be investing time on those who will most likely purchase, rather than wasting time and getting frustrated with those who are just browsing (for the first time perhaps). I know the salesperson side of it firsthand as i"ve been in retail for like 5 years now. I think it"s a very good point you made and retail managers/owners need to realize that benefit! I noticed a lot of retail companies" websites do not provide prices. From a consumer"s standpoint, that"s very frustrating when you are trying to research and compare products.