CCT316H5- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 19 pages long!)

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Cct316 all lectures (refer to textbook for all quotations) Grab your own text and play around with it. We see so many ads that they"re just become normal to us. Data is just stuff and information is processed data. By telling the consumer, the ads try to convince you that you will achieve that fantasy. Of globalization: we consume things made by people we don"t know from around the world usually. Commodity fetishism > wanting more and more products, things made for sale to be sold to other people (karl marx) Marx says that we just buy things and come face to face w/ them, but we are disconnected from the production process. We can put whatever meaning we want to products, that"s where branding comes from. People lied about products to get consumer $ Unlike early ads, brands try to avoid copy that provided consumers w/ info, stats, and ability to comparison-shop.