CCT208H5- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 64 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Confine e-mail use strictly for personal issues/problems, not for: Missed tests or exemption requests (follow official steps outlined in syllabus) Go into a setting and live into a setting for a long time. Ethnography uses interview, participant observations, fieldwork, artifact analysis, etc . Would fall under the interpretivist tradition of social science research, but also has some elements of positivism. Each tutorial is worth 1% (8 tutorials * 1%) = 8% Calculated based on active participation, so attendance is required. No marks for just showing up and sleeping through the tutorial! Arriving late or leaving early will result in grade deductions. Positivism (durkheim): empirical study of social facts (e. g. suicide rates). Interpretivism (weber): study of meaning and how people interpret their world (the symbolic realm of how things are socially constructed) When we study social things, we can study them as objective facts. You give some of the richness up.