ANT214H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lactase, Parental Leave, Consumerism

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Document Summary

Misinformation about breast feeding: complicated difficult thing. Convinced that bottle formula was good bc personalized. At end of ww2: most babies bottle fed. Great war: women going to work , so bottle fed. Nursing is disgusting and doctors discouraged: lower class only. Women"s liberation: breast feeding is feminist issue -> were just as good as men. Change way from past of feeding and birthing. Commercial consumerism: need to buy this or else not good enough. Attachment and bonding of human beings thru breast feeding : symbolic culture. Connection, emotions : can trust themselves, body and babies. Want to normalize breastfeeding in the us. Since u can have babies must have babies: let"s change model. Mother needs to be confident to trust herself and baby. Sexual features of boys but so are lips. Laying down of synapses of brain : development of human brain of infant growing at phenomenal rate.