ANT202H5- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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6 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Characteristics of science: based on facts (observations) I. e. gravity, earth is round: understood through hypotheses. Set of confirmed hypotheses: = science is a critical effort to understand. Note: evolution is both a fact and a theory, because living organisms changed in the past and continues to change now. I. e. we used to have smaller brains and smaller teeth, but soon encephalization occurred. Investigates human biological & cultural variation & evolution: biocultural approach = interaction between biology & culture in evolutionary adaptation. Natural & social science: cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, biological anthropology. What is evolution: change in living organisms through time, central unified theme in biology, a lens through which we can observe many aspects of our species, adaptation = process of successful interaction between a population & an environment. Confers some advantage of an individual in a species: cultural. Different methods of food production (i. e. agriculture: biological. Development of evolutionary thought: modern evo theory not static.