ANT101H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Postorbital Bar, Foramen Magnum, Catarrhini

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27 May 2016

Document Summary

2 different types of traits, derived & ancestral infer ancestry (cladistics) Single ancestral species gives rise to 2+ descendant species. Mammal-like reptiles, slimmer, flesh eaters, reduction in bones, shifting limbs, start of separation between mouth + nasal cavity, dental differentiation. Reptiles predominant land vertebrates (dynos) 1st mammals-end of triassic. Small flesh eaters, nocturnal, enhanced smell + hearing, enlarged cerebral cortex, loss of color vision. Age of mammals + 1st appearance of primates, large climatic change, separation of continents, dinosaur extinction, mammalian adaptive radiation. Fruit & insects, hind limbs slightly longer than forelimbs. Catarrhine like: walled eye orbit (enclosed postorbital septum), somewhat forward foramen magnum, and rounded cusps on molars. Strepsirhine features: lemur like, small brain and long snout. What are two families of oligocene monkeys & Diet of fruit & seeds, small arboreal quadruped, leaping & springing. What is the most represented genera of oligocene. Proconsul (east africa) possible ancestor of all hominoids.