ANT101H5 Study Guide - Mysophobia, Etiology

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Medical model applied to abnormal behavior: the medical model proposes that it is useful to think of abnormal behavior as a disease, thomas szasz was a critic of this model, he says ab involves deviation from social, diagnosis: distinguishing one illness from another, etiology: cause and development history of the illness, prognosis: forecast of what will happen with the illness norms. In making diagnoses clinicians rely on a variety of criteria: deviance from social norms, maladaptive behavior: people may have a psychological disorder because their everyday adaptive behavior is impaired, personal distress, stereotypes of psychological disorders, psychological disorders are incurable, people with psychological disorder are often violent and dangerous, people with psychological disorders behave in bizarre ways and are very different, david rosenhan, used pseudo patients to show how even doctors couldn"t judge a from normal people psychological disorder, the classification of disorders.