[ANT101H5] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (40 pages long!)

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Exists around 800 to 600,000 years ago. Transitional form from homo erectus to modern humans. Has primitive features like brow ridges, robust jaw, thick cranial bones, receding forehead, no chin. Has new features like brain expansion, global shaped head and decrease molar size. Ethopia in africa: dates back to 600,000 years ago, primitive: low vault, brow ridge and large teeth, derived: thinner vault and modern cranial base. Asia: dates back to 580,000-100,000 years ago, yunxian, oldest asian site, 580,000 years ago. Has thin vault, 1390 cc, gracile face but robust brow ridges. European sites, 500,000-250,000 years ago: sierra de atapuerca-spain, 32 individuals found in a pit, possible site of intentional burial and not in africa, mauer, heidelberg-germany, prototype site for. Levalloisian tool technology (300,000 years ago: found in all homo heidelbergensis sites, flake becomes the all purpose tool, composite tools, hafted spears, knives and scrapers are made, method of production is prepared core technique.