SRS 1110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cultural Anthropology, Cultural Relativism, Participant Observation

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Document Summary

Anthropology- the study of humanity; anthropologist study human societies as integrated wholes. Holism- this approach is seen in the broad scope of anthropology, which is often divided into the field of physical, archaeology, linguistics and cultural anthropology. Participant observation- the approach that requires that societies be studied over long periods of time, during which the investigator lives within the community and participates in the lives of the people under study. Ethnography- a descriptive study of a human society. Ethic perspective- the study of a society using concepts that were developed outside of the culture. Ethnocentrism- using one"s own culture as the basis for interpreting and judging other cultures. Emic perspective- the study of a society through the eyes of the people being studied. Cultural relativism- attempting to analyze and understanding cultures other than one"s own without judging them in terms of one"s own culture.