SOC2112- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 21 pages long!)

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Important for people in north america to belong to clubs. It is very important for students to be accepted at this time in their lives: when they did not get accepted into these clubs they would often commit suicide. 3 characteristics of the protestant ascetic, or asceticism coming from the greek for exercise then extended to being characterized by the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence (typically for religious reasons) April 6th 2016: no sex (minimum pleasure, can only eat certain thing and at certain times, only certain people could join. Science wanted to reveal the true order of nature, religion, politics. It wanted to change society in the means of rational thinking: did not only search for knowledge but wanted to explain the order of the world and the. ~ these 3 contradict each other because when you develop one type of rationality the other two diminish.