SOC 2106 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sociobiology, White Matter, Social Inequality

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Gender can be explained in many perspectives from the sociobiological, sociological, and feminist-queer perspectives. Some of these perspectives tend to agree that people do gender , and some reinforce this approach by allowing examples in the form of specific sports. Gender differences between men and women do not imply inequality, but rather they may feel disadvantages due to gender constructs. The sociobiological perspective allows us to view things in a black and white matter where sports can either be too masculine or too feminine. The sociological perspective allows a chance to include society as a means to evaluate the usefulness of a skill before we do gender by asking questions. The last perspective allows factors such as women, queer, and other views of a sport before judging a person for their quality. Sociobiological perspective refers to the understanding of non-human behaviors using evolutionary theory.