SOC 2103 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Child Care, Social Inequality, Adolescent Sex

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16 Oct 2017

Document Summary

The social institution of family remains as the definition of family changes. Rural areas, complex family structure, no legal protection of cowives. Topics within the definition of family": sexuality, cohabitation, marriage, children, voluntary role. Family unit helps society function and maintains consensus/equilibrium /balance in social. Changes in educational and economic institutions have disrupted traditional gender roles order. Trends such as globalization and outsourcing are changing the family. Relationships form from fair exchange and balance of five and take of resources/capital (rational weighing of costs/benefits) Cultural capital (parents" knowledge influences child"s success), social capital influences. Collective socialization and forming an effective community. Roles are social constructs and therefore constantly changing. I. e. fathers more involved in caregiving today child) labour differently. Society creates inequality (patriarchy) between men and women, who experience life. Marriage supports inequality through gender roles and unequal dol. Intersections of oppression and inequality (structural social inequality) Historical context influences trajectory of family life stages (i. e. age of marriage, first.