[SOC2103] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (31 pages long!)

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Birth control, access to abortion, decline in fertility rates, and increase in labour force participation. Lifestyles are changing, parents are pushing off having kids in order to have a career and be financially secure. Despite these changes, men and women still want to have children. Government initiatives have focused on the family, flexible hours, daycare availability. Parenthood is seen as the final recognition of reaching adulthood (once you have a child, you are now fully an adult) Being a parent brings a new social identity (recognized in the community as a parent) Parenthood helps people attain immortality (pass on their genes) Wanting to be apart of something bigger (recreating family ties) Women 3x more likely than men to experience lengthy stoppages in paid employment. Looking at changes in births from 5 year intervals will show more of an increase than looking at 20-30 years intervals. Although births has gone up from 2009-2013, fertility rate has stayed relatively the same.