SOC 1101 Study Guide - Cultural Relativism, Ethnocentrism, Inuit

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Part a: what is the sapir-whorf hypothesis? illustrate w/ an example language shapes how we think, perceive and thus experience the world. De ne. ethnocentrism: to be entered on its own perople, the judgement of other cultures using one"s own culture as the standard alternative: cultural relativism. The attempt to understand the behaviours of any culture in terms of the purpose, function, and meanings they have for the people living in this culture. Walking in one"s shoes and attempting to understand their point of view: de ne socialization and explain why this process is essential for the individual and society, de ne the concept of impression management and face-saving behaviour. Illustrate with an example: de ne the concepts of role con ict and role strain. Part b: the text distinguishes between material" and nonmaterial culture". The relevance of this distinction, however, is highly debatable. List and de ne the major components of nonmaterial culture.