SOC 1101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Gender Role, List Of Middle-Earth Rivers, Nuclear Family

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14 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Part a: m/c (10 points: sexual ________ refers to a preference of gender a person is attracted to. Answer: orientation (prof gives this one for free when he does exam review: everything in society is gendered, critical race theory on the basis of civil rights and writings of martin luther king, Ethnic group: primarily based on cultural or nationality characteristics. Collection of people, distinguished by others or by themselves, Ascribed membership from birth, characterized by cultural traits and a relative sense of community. Happens when we consider our culture as the only right/good one; ours is superior and is used as a frame of reference for negatively judging the behaviour of others. Negative attitude based on preconceived notions about members of a. Actions or practices of dominant group members that have a harmful impact on members of a subordinate group.