SEG 2105 Study Guide - Final Guide: Immutable Object, Domain Model, Sequence Diagram

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Quality req: constraints on the design to meet specified levels of quality. Resource usage, reliability, availability, recovery from failure, allowances for maintainability and enhancement, allowances for reusability). Platform req: constraints on the environment and technology of the system. Process req: constraints on the project plan and development methods. What data the system should store that other systems might use. Generalization: avoiding having instances change class: an instance should never need to change class. Few programming language will allow you to change the type of variable. Uml: the unified modelling language is a standard graphical language for modelling object oriented software. (class diagram static, interaction diagram sequence and communication, state diagram and activity diagram show how system behaves, component and deployment diagrams. Reflexive associations: (lower bound of reflexive is always zero) mutually exclusive when you take one class, you do(cid:374)(cid:859)t ha(cid:448)e to the other one. Asymmetric and symmetric - same role name and multiplicity).