PSY4327- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 54 pages long!)

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Lecture 1: the reason why individuals go through cycles because we don"t always get 8 hours of sleep, you get the most important sleep at the beginning of your sleep. It is generally stage 2 and rem at the end of the night leading to the morning. How is sleep measured: via electroencephalography (eeg, covers all of the potential places to examine waves. International 10-20 system: use a percentage of their head to place electrodes. Nrem sleep: n1: lightest stage of sleep (hypnic jerks/sleep starts), dozing, n2: sleep spindles (preserve sleep) and k complexes (wakes you, n3: formerly stages 3 and 4: deepest most physically restorative stage of sleep. Decreases with age: breathing regular, heart rate decreases. White line: when eyes are closed visual cortex does random things. Blue line: can pick up when someone blinks or moves left to right. Green muscle tone: thickness of the line is based on control. Stage n1: low amplitude and high frequency (eeg)