PSY 3171 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Physical Examination, Drapetomania, Literature Review

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Consumer of practise: enhancing the practise. Evaluation of science: determining the effectiveness of the practise. Creator of science: conducting the research that leads to new procedures useful in practise. Idea that things we study in lab are used to tell us what we do when we see client. Assumes that people who are practising are going to look at the research. You can get research ideas from clients i. e. does that happen to other clients? . Studying psychological disorders: clinical description, causal factors, treatment/ outcomes. Prevalence (how many people have it over a lifetime) Incidence (how many people have it right now 1 year) Bio-psycho-social model: biological causes, social causes, psychological causes. How do we know that treatment worked: how is their romance, social life, are they sleeping better, eating better etc, symptoms might be a little better, but their quality of life is better. Psy3171 lecture 2 what is a psychological disorder part 2.