PSY 2110 Final: PSY2110 - Final

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Look to others for the answers because we see them as a source of info to guide our behavior. Sherif (1936) autokinetic studies- participants came to believe that the group estimate is the correct one. Private acceptance: conforming to other"s behavior out of genuine belief that what they are doing/saying is right. Public compliance: conforming to other"s behavior publicly, without necessarily believing in what they are doing/saying. Need to be liked & accepted even at the cost of one"s own beliefs. Following social norms (implicit/explicit rules for beliefs, values, behaviors of the group- cliques/gangs, asch line. Most effective: group size is 3+, important, unanimous, culture. Compliance: request to change/maintain behavior (eg. laws) may lead to mindless conformity. Obeying internalized social norms without deliberating about one"s actions (ex. Impact of authority: 1) compliance vs. obedience 2) diffusion of responsibility 3) faceless bureaucrats 4) dead- study) end trails. Anger: intense emotional response to perception of having one"s basic boundaries violated.