PSY 2110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Domineering, Dharma, Kin Selection

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Attitudes: +ve/-ve evaluations of objects, issues or phenomena. Social perspective: collectively shared schema that one adopts. Eg. in canada an attitude of harmony: canadians as peacemakers. Personal perspective: a view or schema one incorporates into one"s lived experience of self. Eg. domineering attitude i"m better than. Cognitive: based on people"s beliefs about the properties of an object (ex. attitude toward health value of some food) Affective: based on people"s feelings & values (ex. attitudes toward roommates on the first day) Behavior: based on observations of how one behaves toward an object. Instrumental conditioning: behavior & +ve/-ve reinforcement = +ve/-ve attitude. Attitude accessibility: the strength of the association between an object and a person"s evaluation of that object. Measured by the speed with which people can report how they feel about an issue or object. Accessible an attitude = harder to change. Behaviorly based attitude = accessible and resistant to change.