PSY 2105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Miscarriage, Low Birth Weight, Phenytoin

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Sigmund freud: early childhood experiences, 5 stage theory of psychosexual development (libido innate sexual energy, stimulation of erogenous zones = pleasure, stages, oral, anal, phallic, latent, genital, inappropriate childhood experiences cause a child to be stuck at a stage and will manifest in adult behaviors, phallic stage gives rise to oedipus complex, repression and identification, interactionist perspective nature and nurture (first to suggest) Cognitive developmental approach: piaget (biologist, schemes: cognitive structures used to understand, development is reorganization of knowledge into complex schemes, two functions guide cda, organization (merge ideas old and new, adaptation (to survive most fit with the environment, promoted by, assimilation (make sense of new info using existing schemes, accommodation (changing schemes to fit with new info) Sociocultural approach: vygotsky (marxist) socialism and collectivism, cognitive development is a result of cultural influences, tools of intellectual adaptation problem solving/thinking, learn problem solving through dialectical process (talking to people, brofenbrenner, 5 systems: micro, meso, exo, macro and chrono.