PSY 2105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Johann Gottfried Herder, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Child Development

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Largest of psychology"s many subfield"s, is concerned with the changes in behaviour and abilities that occur as development proceeds. Developmental researchers examine what these changes are and why they occur and have two basic goals. Description: to identify children"s behaviour at each point in development. Explanation: determining the causes and processes that produce changes in behaviour from one point to the next. Developmental psychologists study behaviour changes at all phases of the life cycle (mostly childhood- adolescences) Although plato and aristotle wrote about the importance of education infanticide was routine and seen as a way to rid of not normal babies. Serve punishment and exploitation of children were neither uncommon nor considered wrong or cruel. Although the ancient world recognized the importance of childhood, it did not display the caring and protect attitude toward children that exist today. Tried promoting an image of children as innocent and pure.