PSY 2105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Human Genome Project, Meiosis, Cell Division

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Genome refers to the complete set of genes an organism possesses. The human genome contains 30,000-80,000 genes of 23 pairs of chromosomes. Nucleotide bases: a,c,g,t, formed into a spiral to create dna. Try to map out base pairs to nd out which ones are on which chromosomes: structure and function: Ordered nucleotide bases form chemical compounds (genes) Genes are the template for the synthesis of amino acids, peptides and enzymes. Provides the genetic code (genotype: inside the chromosome: Dna-the basic genetic material formed from pairs of base nucleotides: double helix: series of base pairs that make up the dna strand. Certain traits are transmitted from parent to offspring. Ower, pink and white petals, or, like a dog with spots: genetic disorders: Inability to process proteins (the amino acid phenylalanine) due to lack of liver enzymes. Located on chromosome 12: tay-sachs disease. A defect od lipid metabolism due to the absence of the enzyme hexosomindase.