PSY 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reuptake, Skeletal Muscle, Pituitary Gland

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10 Jul 2014
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PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Aristotle: a naturalist and philosopher, theorized about psychology"s concepts. the soul and body are not separate and that knowledge grows from experience. Structuralism (edward bradford titchener) : student wilhelm wundt):introspection. Mary calkins (william james"s student): apa"s first female president, denied degree fom harvard. Psychology: today as the scientific study of behavior (what we do) and mental processes (inner thoughts and feelings). Three main levels of analysis: biological influences, psychological influence, social-cultural. Psychiatrists: medical professionals (m. d. ) who use treatments like drugs and psychotherapy to treat psychologically diseased patients. Counseling psychologists: help people cope with challenges ( academic, vocational, martial) Hind sight bias- tendency to believe after learning an outcome that one would have foreseen it (also the i knew it all along phenomenon) Overconfidence-human tendency to be overly confident, we tend to think more then we know. **hindsight bias and over confidence often lead us to overestimate our intuition.