POL 3102 Study Guide - Human Nature, January 30, Making Money

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Rawls (1970) liberalism bible of contemporary liberalism; allows for concern of equality and justice: individual, rule of law (having law rule individuals instead of people ruling in the community, right to property (private, limited government. No necessary link between capitalism and political liberalism; not automatic; can be political liberal but not be a fan of capitalism/free market. But in history, we can see that one can facilitate the other. The contrast between ancient and modern thought can be subsumed under two main points: the modern idea of liberty (constant, the key-role of ideas in modern political life (manent) Thesis of class: the contrast btw ancient and modern pol thought can be subsumed with the previous two points. 1762 rousseau social contract (died before french revolution) 1784 kant what is enlightenment (few years before french rev) Louis the 16th ended 1789 (was not interested in politics: ridicule (french movie) aristocracy corrupted, not interested in politics, balance of power btw two worlds.