POL 3102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Categorical Imperative, A Priori And A Posteriori, Practical Reason

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A priori (prior to experience, pure, not sullied by experience) synthetic practical proposition (synthetic proposition: conclusion is not inherently found in or connected to the predicate/premise) Maxim: principle on which you base your will (principle on which the action was done) Stop thinking in terms of happiness , he thinks of it as a lowly affair (animalistic in a sense) Ethics is about command and following rational command. Actions based on subjective feelings are pathological and not as firm or solid as moral law. Actions based on moral law are practical. We are willing beings, we set maxims to base our actions on to give them structure, and we must evaluate our maxims to see if they are moral. Duty is the necessity of an action out of respect for the law . The one acceptable and moral sentiment is respect.