POL3102- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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Pursuit of intimation something we make known, something we imply, etc. (cid:498)the arrangements which constitute a society capable of political activity are at intimate a sympathy about what does not appear. (cid:499) With the enfranchisement of women, history progressed to such a point that no one could argue against it once coherent and incoherent. They compose a pattern and, at the same time, His favourite example: the enfranchisement of women. He argues that granting women the right to vote was not a consequence of an abstract universal right. Rather, it simply fell in line with what was happening in other democratic nations at the time. Another example: a lawyer makes a coherent argument that does more than just appeal to an abstract idea of justice. Argues that political activity therefore is not succumbing to an impulse it is the. Cannot be reduced to scientific method cannot be known using science.