POL 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Free Market, Liberal Democracy, Everyman

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Divided in two sections, each worth 50% (plan your time accordingly) Pick 4 out of 8 (of the ones given out at beginning of class) All questions draw on what we have seen since the beginning of the year, although there is no need to study first lecture. All taken from key terms presented at the beginning of the lecture. Present the definition presented in the lecture or in mintz et al. Present the different dimensions/ aspects of this concept. Def. , different types of transition to democracy (imposition revolution, pact) and examples (germany and japan for imposition; france for revolution; south africa or chile for pact) Part of your challenge is to bring different material from the lectures for the readings. Should present an argument/ thesis in your intro. Try to organize your argument in different sections. For example, if the question is about consolidation of democracy you should tell us what that is.