PHS 4300 Final: Pathophysiology Final Exam Questions (NOT the actual exam questions or ones made by the prof!)

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A the buccal salivary glands are intrinsic and work to keep the mouth moist when one is not eating. B the parotid gland is an extrinsic gland and becomes enlarged and swollen when someone has stomatitis. C the sublingual salivary gland is an intrinsic gland that releases saliva when triggered by chemoreceptors and pressoreceptors. D tumours of the salivary glands are common due to the fact that oral mucosa is very thin: pressoreceptors are Salivation can be triggered by the sight, smell, and thought of food. A the stomach fluid is reaching basic levels and the saliva acts to neutralize it or bring it back down to its normal acidity. B the esophagus is dry and therefore needs saliva to coat it. C the acidic stomach fluid is irritating the lining of the. Gi system and saliva acts to dilute the solution and make it less harmful.