PHS 4300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetic Nephropathy, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

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Carcinomas: involve epithelial cells, account for over 90% of cancers and 80% of cancer-related deaths. Adenocarcinoma: secretory epithelia, most common (lungs, gi, breast, ovary, prostate, endometrium) Squamous carcinoma: protective cell layers (skin, nasal/oral cavity, lungs, cervix) Other: (small and large cell lung, hepato, renal, bladder) Sarcomas: 1% of tumors, bone, ct and muscle, very aggressive with high mortality. Neuroectodermal malignancies: cns and pns, 1% of cancers, 2. 5% of cancer related deaths, very aggressive. **certain cancers are more prevalent depending on geography/demographics, which is something that we are trying to understand. Diet w/ low veg, high nitrates and salt (stomach, esophagus): 5% Diet w/ high fat, low fiber, fried (bowel, pancreas, prostate, breast): 37% **this all refers to prolonged, consistent exposure except for asbestos. **cancer is classified based on the tissue from which it developed. **cancer results from dna mutations (either reduction of functions of genes that prevent proliferation or activating functions of proteins that favour proliferation)