PHI 2397 Study Guide - Final Guide: Edward Snowden, Edward Bernays, Epicureanism

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Ethics - ancient art/science of establishing criteria"s for making right choices. 2 big problems exist: the human cost people hate their job, can"t wait to retire even though they have a good salary. Your life is the sum of the choices you make low productivity, doing the bare minimum the economy loses billions every year from absenteeism, illness, stress, etc, feelings of a dissatisfying life. Money is good but other things are good having a meaningful life is sometimes related to happiness happy people do the things they always wanted to do live your potential. )f you don"t do that, you"ll be depressed people are slaves to themselves. Business ethics people don"t understand what ethics is and what business is. business: whenever you offer a product or service to another. Milton friedman - 20th century economist - business is amoral.