PHI 2396 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stem Cell, Antithesis, Sentience

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Introduction: bring the subject: stem cell research has the potential to provide new treatments for a host of debilitating diseases. In canada, it is permissible to destroy human embryos in the context of medical research on stem cells. Stem cells: undifferentiated human cells located in the human embryo with the capacity to renew themselves by means of cell division and to develop into more specialized cells. Moral standing: determined the range of beings toward whom moral agents have obligations. Do we have the ability to compare the value of someone"s life? (ie. patient suffering from cancer vs. embryo) Person: individual possessing higher order cognitive capacities and abilities (ie. capacity of self-awareness: plan (2 parts, thesis and antithesis) Thesis: because stem cell research holds vast therapeutic promise while contributing to a broader understanding of a number of diseases, it is universally recognized as a good aim.