PHA3112- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 119 pages long!)

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Clinical manifestations of pulmonary alterations: pnea = respiration or breathing. Dyspnea: difficult or uncomfortable breathing (shortness of breath, laboured, preoccupied w/ breathing) Orthopnea: difficulty breathing when lying down (increased fluid in lung; helped by being upright: left ventricular heart failure, pulmonary edema. Bradypnea: rate of breathing < 12 breaths/min: overuse of narcotics, brain disorders (need to be put on a respirator to allow for breathing in brain isn"t sending proper signals), hypothyroidism. Tachypnea: rate of breathing > 20 breaths/min (shallow breaths: lung disease, anxiety, obesity, pulmonary embolism, abnormal breathing patterns/sounds: [eupnea = rhythmic (8-16 breaths/min; tidal vol. = 400-800ml); short expiratory pause; sigh breaths (10-12/hr) helps clear our air that has stayed in lungs - automatic] Kussmaul respiration: slow, deep breaths blows out more co2: ex. : advanced ketoacidosis: breath is becoming increasingly acidic try to blow out more to become more alkaline.