MUS 2310 Study Guide - Final Guide: The Wachowskis, Artisan Entertainment, Glissando

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A masking test : it is because you are taking away the music. It is also to show the role the music is playing in the movie. Background noise accompanied for the images. Film music: any music used in a film. Music heard by the characters, audience, or both. We will address all of these musical elements, but will focus on music composed for a film. Sound within a film included the dialogues, speech, sound effects, general effects, and, of course, music. Sound track: what one hears through the speakers: dialogue/speech: one of the three components of the sound track; human speech in language (non-speech sounds such as grunts are usually considered to be more like noise). Traditionally, dialogue has been given priority over effect and music. Dialogue typically occupies the foreground, while music and effects occupy the background. Dialogue and speech provide crucial information about the plot.