[HSS2102] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 24 pages long Study Guide!

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Communication defined: the process of using verbal and nonverbal messages to generate meaning within and across various contexts, cultures, and channels. Context: where, when, with whom, and under what circumstances you communicate. Culture: the characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors of diverse communicators. Channels: transmitting messages via sight, sound, taste, smell, and/or touch. 7 key elements & guiding principles of effective communication: self: personal characteristics. Your genetic code, communication abilities, and instincts are one of a kind. Make sure you understand how your characteristics and attitudes affect the way you communicate: others: relationships with others. The nature of your relationship with others affect the 5ws of how you communicate. Consider what happens when you share a message with or respond to someone whose race, age, gender, religious beliefs, political attitudes, or educational level differs from yours: purpose: reason (goal, objective) Determining what you and others are trying to accomplish by communicating, is essential when deciding what, when and how to communicate.