[HIS2341] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 45 pages long Study Guide!

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Leads to principal motifs of the modern period: statehood, nationalism, civil rights. Evolution/rejection of what occurred in the past. Medieval period/ancien regime: subservience (to church and nobility) and. Corporatism: subservient to the demands/whims/desires/etc. of the local clergy, church as a whole, and noble lords, corporatism: all of society is an organic essence (all of society is one body) For society to function, all of the parts of the body have to function. Guilds, estates (church, nobility, and everyone else), Arrival of the renaissance east to west. Humanism the place of man in the order of things ( enlightenment) L" tat c"est moi : king of france louis xiv (1638-1715, r. 1643-1715: centralisation of power rejection. The scientific revolution and the rise of empiricism: strict application of reason, the anatomy lesson of dr. nicolaes tulp (rembrandt 1632, natural laws/systematic application (everyone subject to them, direct observation.